What are "cookies"?

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile while you are navigating it.

  • The first-party cookies are cookies set by the website which you are navigating: only that website may read them.
  • Persistent cookies or third party ones are saved on your computer and are not erased automatically when the browser is closed, unlike a session cookie, which are erased when the browser is closed.
The responsibility and management of first-party cookies is accountable directly by IK Multimedia.
Whereas, the responsibility and management of third party cookies falls on the various owners and web managers which must offer adeguate mechanisms of refusal in their privacy policy.
Every time you visit the IK Multimedia website (ikmultimedia.com) you will be invited to accept or refuse the cookies if you haven’t already done so within 180 days.

This allows our website to record your preferences (for example, user name, language, etc…) for a limited amount of time.

In this way you will not have to reinsert them whilst you navigate the website in the same session.

Cookies may be also used to record statistics anonymously, concerning the user experience on our websites.


How do we use cookies?

The IK Multimedia websites mostly use first-party cookies: which means cookies completely created and controlled by IK Multimedia, not external organizations.
IK Multimedia tries to limit the use of cookies to what’s strictly necessary to offer you this service for its other sites and products. In particular, we include cookies which are described in the following paragraphs.

However, in order to visit some of our pages, you will have to accept cookies from external organizations.

The types of first-party cookies we use are used to:

  • store visitor preferences
  • make our websites operational
  • record statistical data (in user experience).


Technical cookies, session ones and analytical

These cookies are necessary for the correct running of the website and they allow to manage aspects of access to the sites (c.d. login), register the preferences of configuration where its available, or integrate necessary plug-ins when you visualize certain contents.

The cookies using statistical analysis and performance are considered technical cookies, because they are created to record the data in an anonymous and pooled form. These offer a general picture concerning the performance of the sites and its contents.


Visitor’s preferences

These cookies are created by us and we are the only ones that may read them. They store:

  • if you have accepted (or refused) this site’s cookie policy
  • the choice of the language in the site

List of cookies first-party

Service Purpose Type of cookie and duration
Allow the use of cookies Stores your preference concerning cookies, the date and time in which you set your preferences and avoids that they get asked again For first-party cookies, lasts 180 days
Choice of the language Memorizes your linguistic preferences Persistent cookies of first-party, lasts 30 days

Operational cookies

e are some cookies which we must use so that some of or webpages can work and that do not ask for your consent. In particular:
  • authentication cookie
  • technical cookies which certain IT systems request

Authentication cookie

Following a registration on our sites through the registration form available, we generate cookies that tell us if you have accessed (the login) or not. Our servers use these cookies to understand from which account you accessed the site and if you have permission to access certain services. This allows us to also associate orders etc.. to your user account. These are only saved when you open a session in a IK Multimedia site using our authentication service (Login). By registering an account, you accept our data privacy protection policies.

Service Purpose Type of cookie and duration
Registration and login Provide a secure access and identify with which account you have accessed the site Persistent cookie first-party, lasts 30 days

Technical Cookies

Service Purpose Type of cookie and duration
Web orders Stores in which part of the order you are  and what are the products in your basket. Allows our websites to work correctly Persistent cookie first-party, lasts 60 minutes. Eliminated when you have completed an order via web.
Session Allows websites to store data un the state of the session. It is used to establish a session with the user and communicate the data on their state through a temporary cookie, commonly known as the session cookie First-party cookie is eliminated at the end of the session

Analytical cookies

We use these cookies purely for internal use for research, in other words to try and improve the service we provide to all our users.

These cookies are simply used to evaluate how our users interact with our website.

Moreover, this data is not shared with a third party or used for any other use.
SoThe cookies used for statistical analysis and performance, are also considered technical cookies because they are set up to record data in a pooled and anonymous form to offer a general picture of the performance of the sites and their contents. u are however free to refuse these types of cookies by using the banner about the cookies which you may see on the first page you visit or by going to the "Modify cookie preferences" section underneath.

Service Purpose Type of cookie and duration
Analyisis of the clicks on traceable links Pooled count of the link on traceable links and a conversion of the completed orders Persistent cookies first-party last 30 days. Eliminated when you complete an order via web

As a predefined preset, at the moment we have a first access by the user on the website, no cookie by a third party or other tools aside the technical ones will be present in the equipment. No other system of traceability, active of passive will be used.
If by any chance the user should choose, which is an option, to keep these default presets and not allow their consent to cookies positioning or other techniques of traceability, they may confirm this choice with the closing of the banner through a specific command used for this purpose, it is defined by an X.

Third party cookies

Some of our webpages show external contents, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, SoundCloud.
To view third party contents, you first have to accept their specific terms and conditions included in their cookie policies. We do not have any checks and controls on these specific ones.
However, if you do not see these contents no type of cookie will be installed by a third party in your equipment.
External distributors on the IK Multimedia websites: Google , Facebook

These third party services are are outside of the control of the IK Multimedia jurisdiction. These external distributors may modify the conditions at any given moment, the aim and use of cookies etc... The preferences chosen concerning these cookies takes place after the login and will be saved in the the user account, they will not be suggested again for another 180 days. You may change these preferences at the "Modify cookie preferences" section below, at any given moment.

How to manage cookies?

The cookies mentioned above are subject to receiving your consent. You may indicate your consent in a simple manner by using the informative banner which you see at the first access in this site, or selectively, by using our Consent Management System: "Modify cookie preferences".

To help you manage your consent preferences, we have given you a tool below with which you can selectively refuse single cookies or entire categories for which specific cookies are used. Moreover, you may refuse or consent all cookies managed with just one click.

The way it works is simple: activate or disable the objectives to which you consent, or, alternatively, select the single sections that you want to authorize or disable. You must click on the button “Save preferences” to register your choices. All of IK Multimedia’s partners have made a pledge to respect these choices.

You may access the tool at any given moment through the cookie policy, and if it’s the first time you visit this site or you have deleted the cookies installed in your browser, or the notification banner that appears in the header or in the footer which you are navigating.


Modify cookie preferences

  • Facebook Pixel: IK Multimedia uses the Facebook Pixel to collect statistical information, monitor the progress of Facebook advertising campaigns and verify its effectiveness. More informations on how the Facebook Pixel works are available at this address.
  • Google Services
  • Impact
  • IK Multimedia links conversion: System to collect statistical information, monitor the progress of marketing campaigns and verify its effectiveness.

Accept All   Accept Selected   Deny All

Eliminate cookies from your equipment

You may delete all cookies that are in your equipment by eliminating the navigation history from your browser: that done you shall delete all cookies from the sites you visited.

Remember however, that you may lose some information which you saved beforehand (for example, access credentials or site preferences).

Manage specific cookies

To manage cookies in detail according to each site, verify the privacy settings and the cookies in your favorite browser.

Blocking cookies

The majority of modern browsers allows users to stop the creation of cookies on their equipment, but in this case you must manually adapt certain preferences every time you visit a site or webpage. Moreover, certain functional services may not work correctly (for example the connection to your profile).

Manage our analytical cookies

They can be turned on or off in any moment through the "Modify cookie preferences" section.



For any information or clarification request or of the exercise of your rights you will be directed to the Manager of this section at the following contacts:
  • Dpo@ikmultimedia.com
  • privacy@ikmultimedia.com

Moreover, you always have the right to make a complaint to the Guarantee Authority for the Protection of Personal Data, which you may contact at the following address garante@gpdp.it by going to the www.gpdp.it website.

Last Modification : 10 March 2022


We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audience is coming from. To find out more or to opt-out, please read our Cookie Policy. To learn more, please read our Privacy Policy.

Click below to consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies, make granular choices or deny your consent.

